Saturday, January 5, 2008


So, after visiting this place in over two months, I went straight to Sarah's page and got motivated to write again! After all, it's 2008 and a time for new traditions, resolutions and habits!


-Write Eric and Jason once a month
-No second helpings of food
-Go visit my horse at least two times a week
-Ride my horse at least ONCE a week (yes! I have to force myself to do this!)
-Blog or Journal write once-a-week (idea stolen from Sarah, xP)
-Start/Keep a booklist of books I want to read, and books I've read for the entire 2008 year
-Practice IRISH for 45 minutes 3 times a week


-Apply for BYU Idaho before February 1st
-Finish my Personal Progress within the next week. (O_O)

So, as you see, I have LOTS to do!

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