Thursday, February 21, 2008


I told Jennifer (my dance teacher) today that I wouldn't be able to do recital. GEEZ! I'd been SO afraid to tell her because I thought she'd get mad. Well, she was a little like "Gosh, well I'm not sure what I'm gonna do/I can't change the choreography!" talking about the clogging dance, and I felt terrible. Then she turned kinda saddish (although it was like sad fake crying with a pouty lip thing) and she made me feel so bad I wanted to cry! I'm not that sad about not doing the recital or finishing the dance year, I'm excited to go to college!!! But I do regret it a little. I really was excited for the recital, determined to have a good tight 5th position and kick my butt EVERY time I did a single back or triple in Irish. And then Jennifer was like "Don't let yourself feel bad, after all it's church and you need to put what you believe in first. I understand, it's God and you need to do what you put first." Wow. I guess she thinks I'm going to church school to learn about church or become a Preachess!!!! Hahahahahaha! My explanation was a bit dramatized though, just so she'd take pity on me, and I ain't ashamed to admit it. I am EXCITED to go to BYU Idaho and I don't want anyone to bring me down!

Kristen did say she'd take my place in recital so Jennifer doesn't have to change it. YES! I love Kristen, she's the BEST! Only problem is Jennifer wants me to make sure that it won't conflict with her job at the YMCA and that she'll be able to come to a couple of classes. Luckily, Jennifer says she has another alternative if Kristen isn't able to do it after all. *PHEW* Thank goodness! Bless Kristen's heart. She's the bomb.

Due to sore muscles, tiredness, lack of motivation, dry skin, coldness, etc. I am EXCITED that I don't have to work tomorrow morning! YAY! And it's only nearing the end of my first week there! hahahahahaha

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