Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mistress La Novella

Okay, so really I just was acting silly and did my subject. I am in the mood to write a book! Yes, a book! I tried once with a clean western romance, ick. Terrible! Tried another time with talking unicorns. Bad bad bad. Tried another time with a medieval princess.... twice. Yikes! But then, I realized that I was going about it all wrong. As Mister Bear (though, I'm sure the good german lad wrote his name differently) told Jo in 'Little Women', "Write from your heart" or maybe it was "Write what you know" or "Write from your life" WHATEVER IT WAS, that's what I need to do. I will write a modern day book about what I know. I will not base my characters on any friends or family, nor will I base it on my life experiences. But I will write it from what I know, and I know the years of 1990's and 2000's so that's what I shall write! It shall be a wholesome, wonderful book that probably won't be done until 2050, but one day I shall publish a book. :)

As a side note, the only book I've finished this year is Beka Cooper - Terrier by Tamora Pierce. I loved it! But, we started a Book Club in Relief Society (which I found out that *I'm* in charge of... yay. >_>) and right now we're supposed to be reading Pride and Prejudice. So, I have to find my copy or buy another of that, read it, and in the meantime I've got to finish "I Am The Great Horse" (which I'm reading for the SECOND time! >.<) and I purchased three books from Barnes and Noble with my gift card the other day (Beka Cooper was one, yay just two more to go!) and I KNOW when I start one of those, that I won't be able to stop. Beka Cooper kept me from eating all of my breakfast, visiting my horse, and doing ANYTHING useful. It's terrible. I sin constantly as I ignore my much much much more important responsibilities.

Brandy and Kristen want to get an apartment btw... told 'em I can't because of health insurance, our policy won't allow it unless I'm a full time student, and it's too late to get into VA Western. Plus, I don't want VA Western. I did get my interview from the Stake Prez today for BYU-Idaho so Mom'll get my transcript written tomorrow and I'll finish my application. I shall be SO excited to be FINISHED with the dang thing! Hopefully now I'll get in and leave in August! I am SO anxious to go to college and LIVE my life! INDEPENDENTLY! Even if I DO end up getting married before I'm 20! (although... if I leave in August, that'll be a frightfully quick engagement and marriage, hopefully I shant follow that route)

quick side note: anyone know how you're supposed to present movie titles and book titles? I forgot. Is it underlines or ""'s for books? and what for movies? Please comment. I'll comment on yours!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Mrrrh! I'm sorry I never comment on your blog, I didn't even know where your blog was but I managed to find it. For a book title you underline, for an article you use quotations.