Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Needing Improvement... again!

We all need to improve, and here is my list of things I want/NEED to accomplish/do before I leave for college: (in somewhat order of importance!)

- Do Government 1 final exam
- Do Chemistry and Government EVERYDAY
- Finish Chemistry and Government 2
- Finish Personal Progress
- Ride bareback (or just ride!) 3x a week
- Do Ab workout everyday
- Do Cardio for 30 mins everyday
- Work with Malik for 15 mins everyday*
(teach to stand still when tied, then to lead, then lots of transitions/halts on lead, then ground driving, then desensitize to harness, then - if time - desensitize to cart)
- Begin writing a fantasy novel in "Post" form**
- Finish reading all the Narnia and the Green Gables books on my 2008 reading list

So that's my list so far. I'll refer to it often so I remember. I've always got something I need to work on and it's so hard!

*I am going to teach him to pull a cart, but I'll probably have to start him in a pygmy harness until he's two and will fit a normal goat harness. He won't be pulling anyone in a cart until he's older, mind you.
**I figured that if I treated writing a novel like roleplaying, like made my characters beforehand and just "posted" scenes, then I would actually get it done. I'll probably either do a novel from two different perspectives so I alternate posts, or I'll just post the same person over and over.

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