Sunday, January 29, 2012

Crispy Bread

I just overcooked my homemade bread to the point that I had to chisel it out of the pan. :( But other than that, it turned out great!

This past week has been really deliciously good, in flavor, temperature, happiness, friends and family. Some highlights are:

-Got an A on my chemistry test (well, I didn't get my grade yet, but I felt awesome about it and I'm dead positive I have an A on it)
-Shin splints slightly healed enough that I was able to DANCE!!!
-Finally "got" our hard clogging move at the first part of our dance
-Learned a brazilian stick dance in World Dance class
-Talked to many attractive men
-Made new friends or new acquaintances
-Finished FINISHED my chemistry homework!!!!
-Watched Prince of Persia last night and loved it
-My sister Sabina got a dog named Neville!!!
-I saw "Celtic Nights" Friday night after Acing my chemistry test

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