Monday, September 3, 2007

Guineas, Dancing, and Kristen oh my!

I need to blog more often. Dancing has been going great! In Clogging Class last week we started choreographing a simple routine to a bluegrass song to perform at the Apple Festival. And while the routine MAY be simple to learn, it won't be easy to do because the song is extremely fast and we have to do lots of bucks and triple bucks. Poopy. Other than that, my second class of Irish went well and Hip Hop is going swell. I just got some shorts I ordered especially for dance in the mail, can't wait to wear 'em! ;) No Clogging today though, classes are cancelled since its a holiday.

Last week I almost ran over two baby guineas that were in the gravel road right in front of our driveway. The poor thing just fell (course they're tiny, so there wasn't much height to fall from) and I snatched it up and found another one in the bushes nearby. I put them in one of our many chicken house/tractor/things with a light. Couple days later, the Momma Guinea with 8 more running behind her is just galavanting through the rain and they're getting soaked! By chance, she went on the OTHER side of the propane tank and I snatched 2 before she ran back and came at me! I put those with the others I had saved the other day, and then me and Brandy found 3 more stranded in their momma's wake, soaked to the bone. We spent a little more than 30 minutes blow drying them to warm them up. Eventually, they were all fine and I put them all together. Next day, Mom sees the other 3 that the guinea had with her still alive and decides to see if the ones I rescued would go back with their mom (so SHE doesn't have to deal with them, when I ALREADY told her I'd feed 'em, it's not hard!) and they did. Next morning, there's 9 instead of 10, later that day 4 instead of 9. Thanks Mom, REAL genius of ya. Maybe NEXT time she'll let me keep them SAFE! >_>

Anyways, me'n Brandy went and saw Kristen on Friday! I was supposed to go help Brandy at work so she could leave early, but I ended up accompanying Danielle to the store to go shopping for jeans (which was very enjoyable/fun) and then we took so long afterwards getting food and picking up Stephen's food from the deli that I only helped Brandy for about 1/2 hour before she was done at her USUAL time to get off work. So it really wasn't like I made a difference, but at LEAST we got to leave finally (thanks to Danielle offering to stamp the envelopes for us). Kristen showed us her dorm when we got there, and we went & ate at a place similar to Friendly's then got ice cream at Target. When we got back, we all ended up watching (Kristen and Brandy eventually falling asleep) Dicky Roberts. Next morning we ate at Cracker Barrel, got souveniers at the college's bookstore and then left taking Kristen with us. Her dad said he'd take her back the next day (Sunday). It was a fun trip!

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