Monday, February 25, 2008

More To-Do Lists

I am forever making more and more To-Do lists, but they help me immensely. So far I've done everything but 4 things on my To-Do list, and sadly will only finish 3 of them. One is to work on Laura's Sunday book for an hour and a half, but it's already 4:00 and I've still got to finish scrubbing/cleaning my shower, exercise and get Mom to order my final exam for Government.

Anyways, I've attempted to step back up into motivated-successful-active days again! I did so well the two weeks before last, but last week I just slugged off! For one, I was utterly sore from work, so I only exercised twice, and Sarah and them came Tuesday so I stayed up till midnight and then Saturday night I stayed up till like 5:00am!!! >.< Last night I went to bed at 10:45. I'm working on going to bed earlier and earlier so I can wake up at 7:00 without problems! I would've exercised this morning when my alarm went off at 7am, but I turned it off then closed my eyes and when I opened them, by golly it was 7:50!!!! I really do NOT remember falling asleep or keeping them closed for longer than 5 minutes! Usually, when I do something like that I realize "Hey Mary, you cheat you really did fall asleep or kept your eyes closed for 45 minutes" but this time I didn't even realize it! I don't remember falling asleep or dreamin' or anything! Which is crazy, because if I do that I usually have a short dream.

Anyways, sorry there's no pictures, I guess I'll find one to add later so that Sarah can read my blog. >_>

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Mary you better get your act together! Haha just kidding. I make lists all the time too.

I hope when I come there next week or whenever it is that we can get up and exercise TOGETHER in the mornings. I'll make you get out of bed. I've been getting up with Jason lately so I've got experience! HAHA